Contribution Guidelines

We welcome and invite contributions from anyone at any career stage and with any amount of coding experience towards the development of sliderule. We appreciate any and all contributions made towards the development of the project. You will be recognized for your work by being listed as one of the project contributors.

Ways to Contribute

  1. Fixing typographical or coding errors

  2. Submitting bug reports or feature requests through the use of GitHub issues

  3. Improving documentation and testing

  4. Sharing use cases and examples (such as Jupyter Notebooks)

  5. Providing code for everyone to use

Requesting a Feature

Check the project issues tab to see if the feature has already been suggested. If not, please submit a new issue describing your requested feature or enhancement. Please give your feature request both a clear title and description. Please let us know in your description if this is something you would like to contribute to the project.

Reporting a Bug

Check the project issues tab to see if the problem has already been reported. If not, please submit a new issue so that we are made aware of the problem. Please provide as much detail as possible when writing the description of your bug report. Providing detailed information and examples will help us resolve issues faster.

Contributing Code or Examples

We follow a standard Forking Workflow for code changes and additions. Submitted code goes through a review and comment process by the project maintainers.

General Guidelines

  • Make each pull request as small and simple as possible

  • Commit messages should be clear and describe the changes

  • Larger changes should be broken down into their basic components and integrated separately

  • Bug fixes should be their own pull requests with an associated GitHub issue

  • Write a descriptive pull request message with a clear title

  • Please be patient as reviews of pull requests can take time

Steps to Contribute

  1. Fork the repository to your personal GitHub account by clicking the “Fork” button on the project main page. This creates your own server-side copy of the repository.

  2. Either by cloning to your local system or working in GitHub Codespaces, create a work environment to make your changes.

  3. Add your fork as the origin remote and the original project repository as the upstream remote. While this step isn’t a necessary, it allows you to keep your fork up to date in the future.

  4. Create a new branch to do your work.

  5. Make your changes on the new branch.

  6. Push your work to GitHub under your fork of the project.

  7. Submit a Pull Request from your forked branch to the project repository.