
The recommended way of installing the SlideRule Python client is to use the Conda Python package manager.

conda install -c conda-forge sliderule

In order to run the example notebooks, we provide an environment.yml that can be used to create an initial conda environment that has the SlideRule Python client installed along with all the dependencies necessary to run the examples. To install the client and its dependencies via the environment file:

conda env create -f environment.yml


To install and setup JupyterLab to run the provided example notebooks, you must first install JupyterLab.

conda install -c conda-forge jupyterlab

Then make sure the conda environment with the sliderule python client installed in it is available to use as one of the Python kernels. To guarantee that JuypterLab is using the correct Python kernel, you can start JupyterLab from the conda environment with sliderule python installed.

conda activate sliderule
jupyter lab

If you start JupyterLab from the base conda environment, then it will be necessary to select the correct kernel by using the kernel selection widget in the upper-right hand corner of the Jupyter notebook you are running. If you used the provided environment.yml file to create your conda environment then the correct kernel will likely be something like Python [conda env:sliderule].


If your conda environment does not show up as an available kernel for your Jupyter Notebooks then install the nb_conda_kernels package in your base conda environment and then make sure your conda environment has the ipykernel package installed. All environments with that package installed will automatically show up as available kernels. Alternatively, see JupyterLab documentation for how to register and unregister individual conda environments.


Alternatively, you can use the PyPI package manager to install the SlideRule Python client. This is not the recommended way of installing, but is made available as an option for users who prefer to work with pip.

pip install sliderule

Developer Install

For developers and contributors, to get the latest unreleased version of the Python client, the contents of the sliderule repository can be cloned or download as a zipped file. If cloning, please consider forking into your own account before cloning onto your system.


The main branch is used to match the public cluster running at Private clusters may be running versions of the server code provided in other branches or even forks of the repository.

To clone the repository:

git clone

You can then install the sliderule python client using setuptools:

cd sliderule/clients/python
pip install .