Import Packages¶
In [1]:
import warnings
warnings.filterwarnings("ignore") # suppress warnings
In [2]:
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib
import sliderule
from sliderule import icesat2
Initialize SlideRule Python Client¶
In [3]:
icesat2.init("", organization="bathy", verbose=True)
Make Processing Request to SlideRule¶
ATL06-SR request includes the samples
parameter to specify that ArcticDEM Mosiac dataset should be sampled at each generated ATL06 elevation.
In [4]:
resource = "ATL03_20190314093716_11600203_005_01.h5"
region = sliderule.toregion("../data/dicksonfjord.geojson")
parms = { "poly": region['poly'],
"cnf": "atl03_high",
"ats": 5.0,
"cnt": 5,
"len": 20.0,
"res": 10.0,
"samples": {"mosaic": {"asset": "arcticdem-mosaic", "radius": 10.0, "zonal_stats": True}} }
gdf = icesat2.atl06p(parms, resources=[resource])
Display GeoDataFrame¶
Notice the columns that start with "mosaic"
In [5]:
w_surface_window_final | segment_id | n_fit_photons | spot | gt | dh_fit_dx | rgt | cycle | region | h_sigma | ... | mosaic.min | mosaic.flags | mosaic.median | mosaic.value | mosaic.stdev | mosaic.mad | mosaic.max | mosaic.mean | mosaic.count | mosaic.time | |
time | |||||||||||||||||||||
2019-03-14 09:40:46.291445504 | 3.000000 | 405229 | 15 | 1 | 10 | 0.082324 | 1160 | 2 | 3 | 0.187902 | ... | 576.406250 | 0 | 584.289062 | 584.289062 | 4.606139 | 3.984568 | 592.898438 | 584.500000 | 81 | 1.358109e+12 |
2019-03-14 09:40:46.292858624 | 3.000000 | 405230 | 27 | 1 | 10 | 0.074614 | 1160 | 2 | 3 | 0.059746 | ... | 583.507812 | 0 | 592.257812 | 592.562500 | 3.477136 | 2.955249 | 596.804688 | 591.543306 | 81 | 1.358109e+12 |
2019-03-14 09:40:46.294273792 | 3.000000 | 405230 | 12 | 1 | 10 | 0.045681 | 1160 | 2 | 3 | 0.328370 | ... | 593.132812 | 0 | 596.843750 | 596.875000 | 2.326261 | 1.928062 | 602.914062 | 597.138600 | 81 | 1.358109e+12 |
2019-03-14 09:40:46.297095936 | 7.430891 | 405231 | 21 | 1 | 10 | 0.246724 | 1160 | 2 | 3 | 0.389433 | ... | 599.804688 | 0 | 605.265625 | 605.125000 | 2.346747 | 2.013160 | 608.570312 | 604.967496 | 81 | 1.358109e+12 |
2019-03-14 09:40:46.298507520 | 14.818856 | 405232 | 36 | 1 | 10 | 0.580637 | 1160 | 2 | 3 | 0.321795 | ... | 603.515625 | 0 | 608.179688 | 608.117188 | 2.340230 | 1.958574 | 612.867188 | 608.292921 | 81 | 1.358109e+12 |
... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... |
2019-03-14 09:40:48.353273600 | 3.000000 | 405838 | 27 | 2 | 20 | -0.021866 | 1160 | 2 | 3 | 0.053913 | ... | 1493.515625 | 0 | 1494.429688 | 1494.398438 | 0.497044 | 0.418148 | 1495.468750 | 1494.448110 | 81 | 1.358109e+12 |
2019-03-14 09:40:48.354683648 | 3.000000 | 405839 | 15 | 2 | 20 | -0.028824 | 1160 | 2 | 3 | 0.114113 | ... | 1492.945312 | 0 | 1494.156250 | 1494.218750 | 0.559426 | 0.459164 | 1495.273438 | 1494.151427 | 81 | 1.358109e+12 |
2019-03-14 09:40:48.356088576 | 3.000000 | 405839 | 8 | 2 | 20 | -0.112578 | 1160 | 2 | 3 | 0.046961 | ... | 1491.921875 | 0 | 1493.507812 | 1493.546875 | 0.750541 | 0.633445 | 1494.906250 | 1493.483507 | 81 | 1.358109e+12 |
2019-03-14 09:40:48.357494784 | 3.000000 | 405840 | 16 | 2 | 20 | -0.106287 | 1160 | 2 | 3 | 0.032820 | ... | 1490.906250 | 0 | 1492.648438 | 1492.648438 | 0.844155 | 0.711853 | 1494.187500 | 1492.628954 | 81 | 1.358109e+12 |
2019-03-14 09:40:48.358897920 | 3.000000 | 405840 | 19 | 2 | 20 | -0.078550 | 1160 | 2 | 3 | 0.028111 | ... | 1489.742188 | 0 | 1491.515625 | 1491.367188 | 0.878481 | 0.747692 | 1493.062500 | 1491.452932 | 81 | 1.358109e+12 |
1651 rows × 27 columns
Print Out File Directory¶
When a GeoDataFrame includes samples from rasters, each sample value has a file id that is used to look up the file name of the source raster for that value.
In [6]:
{0: '/vsis3/pgc-opendata-dems/arcticdem/mosaics/v4.1/2m_dem_tiles.vrt'}
Demonstrate How To Access Source Raster Filename for Entry in GeoDataFrame¶
In [7]:
filedir = gdf.attrs['file_directory']
Difference the Sampled Value from ArcticDEM with SlideRule ATL06-SR¶
In [8]:
gdf["value_delta"] = gdf["h_mean"] - gdf["mosaic.value"]
count 1651.000000 mean 1.110096 std 2.145814 min -27.810532 25% 0.201006 50% 1.270788 75% 2.169877 max 14.924781 Name: value_delta, dtype: float64
Difference the Zonal Statistic Mean from ArcticDEM with SlideRule ATL06-SR¶
In [9]:
gdf["mean_delta"] = gdf["h_mean"] - gdf["mosaic.mean"]
count 1651.000000 mean 1.117867 std 2.146371 min -28.240605 25% 0.171224 50% 1.285451 75% 2.180714 max 15.173141 Name: mean_delta, dtype: float64
Difference the Zonal Statistic Mdeian from ArcticDEM with SlideRule ATL06-SR¶
In [10]:
gdf["median_delta"] = gdf["h_mean"] - gdf["mosaic.median"]
count 1651.000000 mean 1.115779 std 2.142610 min -27.716782 25% 0.209473 50% 1.277488 75% 2.166412 max 14.924781 Name: median_delta, dtype: float64
Plot the Different ArcticDEM Values against the SlideRule ATL06-SR Values¶
In [11]:
# Setup Plot
fig,ax = plt.subplots(num=None, figsize=(10, 8))
fig.canvas.header_visible = False
ax.set_title("SlideRule vs. ArcticDEM Elevations")
ax.set_ylabel('height (m)')
legend_elements = []
# Plot SlideRule ATL06 Elevations
df = gdf[(gdf['rgt'] == 1160) & (gdf['gt'] == 10) & (gdf['cycle'] == 2)]
sc1 = ax.scatter(df.index.values, df["h_mean"].values, c='red', s=2.5)
legend_elements.append(matplotlib.lines.Line2D([0], [0], color='red', lw=6, label='ATL06-SR'))
# Plot ArcticDEM Elevations
sc2 = ax.scatter(df.index.values, df["mosaic.value"].values, c='blue', s=2.5)
legend_elements.append(matplotlib.lines.Line2D([0], [0], color='blue', lw=6, label='ArcticDEM'))
# Display Legend
lgd = ax.legend(handles=legend_elements, loc=3, frameon=True)
# Show Plot
Plot the Sampled Value and Zonal Statistic Mean Deltas to SlideRule ATL06-SR Values¶
In [12]:
# Setup Plot
fig,ax = plt.subplots(num=None, figsize=(10, 8))
fig.canvas.header_visible = False
ax.set_title("Delta Elevations between SlideRule and ArcticDEM")
ax.set_ylabel('height (m)')
# Plot Deltas
df1 = gdf[(gdf['rgt'] == 1160) & (gdf['gt'] == 10) & (gdf['cycle'] == 2)]
sc1 = ax.scatter(df1.index.values, df1["value_delta"].values, c='blue', s=2.5)
# Plot Deltas
df2 = gdf[(gdf['rgt'] == 1160) & (gdf['gt'] == 10) & (gdf['cycle'] == 2)]
sc2 = ax.scatter(df2.index.values, df2["mean_delta"].values, c='green', s=2.5)
# Show Plot
In [ ]: